Monday, July 15, 2013

100 Years Too Late.....

My mother always said that I was I born 100 years too late. She was right.

I have been dying living here in the city - well Spruce Grove was a town when I left 7 years ago... it has been growing at an alarming rate. It is becoming a city. The noise, the traffic, the people who always seem to be in a hurry.... It's a lot to take. If I didn't love my job so much and need the money, I'd move to the middle of nowhere and work in a crappy place making nothing just to live in a small town. I'd never set foot in the big city again!

I need to find myself a good country boy who wants to move me out to the boonies. I want to have a nice big art studio, and a garden, and horses.... and a BIG kitchen! And a Jacuzzi tub. And cats. I want to get married - but good guys are hard to find!!

You know who I love? Ree Drummond. The Pioneer Woman on the Food Network. And I love her kitchen. And her mixer is so pretty. She's so pleasant and always has a nice smile on her face while she is explaining to the viewers what she is making. She's just lovely! :)

Ok - that was random... but if you have never watched her show - I recommend it!

I found a horse on Kijiji that I want to go see.... Palomino Quarter Horse gelding, between 15-16hh, 5 but well broke.... but am I ready? I wanted to save up for a bit first... I have the money now.... but not the cushion I want to have for other expenses incurred where horse ownership is concerned. Also - I have no clue how I am getting a horse from point A to point B. I have a truck.... but no trailer. Ugh.... What to do..... Should I take my chances and wait to see if he is there in a month? I think I should wait.... I need to be prepared.

Anyways - here is what I got up to yesterday.... Colored pencil on cradle board, 9x12x1. Done from a photo I took at my friend's farm. First horse piece & colored pencil piece I have done in quite some time! I am liking working on the board. Thanks Michael's for putting them on sale! Lol! I bought 2 of the 9x12 ones and one 4x4....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Canadian Geese

Here are a few shots I got of geese on Canada Day! Taken at Rotary Park in Stony Plain, Alberta!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Aaaaand it starts......

Soooo..... I have started shopping for the future horse. The saddle - I got one heck of a deal on it from Kijiji.... I couldn't pass it up. The halter - clearance at Lammle's..... Lol! I am going to be prepared. I am also going to take my time to make sure I find the PERFECT horse for me.

The smell of the saddle alone was worth every dime. :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Settling In....

Well... Long time no talk!

As you can see, I have undergone a name change. Welcome to 'Prairie Fire Equine & Wildlife Art!!

My new email is:!

So I have made the move back to Alberta.... and things could not be better!! What a positive change this was for me. I just look back at how miserable and out of place I was and how sad I was. I haven't missed BC for a single second. I have found a job that I love, reconnected with old friends and have made new ones. I have had opportunities to photograph horses and cattle - among other things and I have started painting again!
This is a piece I am currently working on - from a photo I took. I am calling her 'The Bachelorette'. 
This guy also got sketched up yesterday - from a photo taken on my drive back from BC. I am on the fence about either doing it as an acrylic piece or a watercolor piece. I also prepped another canvas for another piece from one of my cow photos. Keeping myself busy!!! I am really determined to get myself back on the map as an artist and I feel that I can do this here.... I feel that my style of art belongs here. Ultimately, I would like to get myself into the Cowboy Poetry & Art fest next year.That takes place in Stony Plain, That is where I got my start about 15 years ago. 

In other news, I have decided that it is time that I get myself a horse. So I have kind of started to look for one. I don't imagine that I will get one until the spring... I am certainly not going to rush into it. I want to make sure I find my perfect equine match. I figure that I will send the winter getting all the necessary gear for a horse so I am prepared when I get the horse. I kicked it off and bought a halter yesterday. It was a great deal - blowout price at Lammles! Lol! I couldn't resist! I was also looking at saddles there.... and I have my eye on one.... Maybe for my birthday!! 

These photos were taken at Farmer's Days in Stony Plain at the horse pull! What a great day that was. I have a particular soft spot for draft horses. 

There were all taken at my friend Vanessa's farm. She was very kind and allowed to me come out and photograph her her animals - especially the Canadian horses. Not only that, it was so wonderful to spend the day catching up with her since we hadn't seen each other in a good 14 years. Her kids were great as well... and that's a big deal coming from m! Lol!!. Farm kids are the best - not corrupted by video games and garbage TV. Covered head to toe in dirt and loving every second of it. I had such a great day out there. I got a few hundred great photos to work from too! It was a very sad drive back to town. Lol! I can't wait for the day when I can finally move my butt out into the country and live happily ever after. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

My how quickly things change. That thing I was so excited for only a month and a half ago blew up in my face in an epic way. I was left stunned and pretty devastated. Oh well I guess, pick myself up & move on. I am determined to salvage 2013.

My move home is only about 6 weeks away at this point. I am still selling my life off piece by piece - but not fast enough! Good news is that I am getting WAY more back on my 2011 tax return. Thank goodness for procrastination! That money is coming at the perfect time and that takes a bit of stress off of me. I am very much looking forward to getting back to Alberta and starting fresh. I have just had way too much disappointment thrown at me over the last few years.
I must start kicking my butt into high gear here with packing. I have my second and LAST saw painting started... The 'Colby' piece will unfortunately have to be passed by as I am running out of time. The pressure is getting to me a bit. I am anxious to have this done and over with.

I feel like life is just waiting for me to catch up with it right now. I am getting there. Lol!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So I though 2013 was starting out kind of rough..... and it was, but 10 days ago my luck & my outlook totally changed. Something so amazing has happened..... but I must keep it a secret for now - as I do not want to jinx it. I rally haven't been this happy and optimistic about anything in a while.... Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

So my day off wasn't so bad. However I did none of the things I had wanted to do - except for half of the dishes. Lol! I had a well deserved jammie day on the couch in front of the tv watching GH and Days and Frasier & 7th Heaven repeats that I pvr'd. As guilty as I felt for being so unproductive, I really needed that time to recharge. And I can try to make the best of the two more days I have to take off before the 31st.... Hoping I can get up the motivation to start 'Colby'. This is a blessing in disguise I guess. I look at commissions as work. I think that's why I shy away from them for the most part. As soon as I am drawing for someone else, it's not a hobby. Lol! Plus the pressure associated with getting the horse just right - so the person you are drawing it for recognizes it.... and feels the connection to the piece. Sometimes I don't feel like I can capture that. That's why I like to draw random horses.... that most people don't know. Then I just hope they like the piece and want to buy it because it's pretty!

I also have a piece that I am supposed to be working on - painting logging machinery on a 6 foot ling cross cut saw. I have done one before. It was a 30+ hour job, in which I made less than minimum wage on. Ugh! Lol! It was for a friend's dad for Christmas last year. I swore I'd never do it again, but then he decided he wanted one for himself and convinced me to do one for him as well. I couldn't say no. The look on his face when he saw the finished piece for his dad made me feel good. I am a bloody sucker. I just have to buckle down and clean my studio up as it has been overrun by all of my things that I am in the midst of trying to sell.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Well - here we are. 2013. The world didn't end. Lol!

I spent a lot of time thinking about how I want this year to unfold for me while I was back home. I didn't exactly make resolutions. I set a few goals for myself though.

I guess the big one for me is to go out and do whatever it takes to make myself happy. I need to find some inner peace. I have realized I am the only person who is responsible for my happiness. I have realized I cannot make anyone else happy if I am not happy with myself. So that is the most important thing - in my opinion - that I need to accomplish in 2013. I feel that the first step in making this happen is to move back home. I am working towards that as of now.... saving up money and selling whatever I can so I don't have to move it. Ball is rolling... I can talk about it on here because nobody reads this! Lol! Especially nobody from work. I am not ready to tell them yet.

I also would like to spend more time on my art. I would also like to spend more time on here. It's a good outlet to vent. Especially lately.... but my vents haven't all been art related! Lol!

I would very much like to cut back on my recreational wine consumption..... LOL!!! So far I have done well with that one. Except for last night - but it was only a few small glasses. ;)

I am trying to be less negative. I think my overall unhappiness has pulled me down a path of negativity. I would like to try to get off of that path. I am also going to try to keep my opinions to myself where some topics are concerned. I am very opinionated and I think my mouth gets me in trouble sometimes.

I also want to stay a single girl for the year. Not gonna lie - I know exactly what I want and I have decided to not settle for anything less. I am actually getting comfortable with the fact that I might end up alone. Just me and a pile of kitties. Lol!

Finally - I am hoping to acquire a horse. That is a 30 year old dream of mine. My uncle has an acreage. Maybe I can board there..... I am going to work my ass off to try to make this a reality. Nobody is going to do it for me. I deserve one. :)