Holy smokes! Has it REALLY been over a month and a half since my last post?? Yeah - I guess I have been slacking off!! My studio is still in boxes - and will be for another week - then it's moving day! I am so excited to get my new studio set up and to get back to work! I have a few pieces to finish up and then I will start some new ones - and I am hopefully going to make an attempt at doing a piece a day - al a Linda Shantz! I did dig out a few supplies and start a piece though... the one pictured here! It is going to be a challenge! Getting the rough draft done was entertaining enough! I kept getting confused by the stripes! the photo was one that I got from the Morgue File site. They have got thousands of free reference photos available!! awesome site - check it out! So - as I will be all by myself for what looks to be the vast magority of the summer (boooo out of town work) I should be posting a little more regularily as I will have free time coming out my ears!