I decided to sign up for this "Sketchbook Project" thing.
Boy, what a challenge it is!!
It is a 5"x8" moleskin book that has 80(both sides counted) pages to fill up! It has to be postmarked by January 15th - but I'd like to have it mailed by the 10 since I am in Canada.
What they are doing with it is sending all the books on a tour of the USA and then archiving them in an art library in Brooklyn, NY! Pretty cool I think!
I am afraid I am not going to be able to fill it up completely, and I have chosen to attatch some of my favorite photos in it as well. I called it "Inspiration". I am excited to have so many people see what I do. The place that is putting it on is also going to upload it to the net, so once that finally happpens I will post a link!
For now, I am uploading the cover. I am documenting the creation of it as best as I can.
I am treating it as if it were a resume of sorts.
Also, in other news, I am going to be teaching a few drawing workshops down in Nanaimo in the spring!! A fellow equine artist found me - on here of all places and contacted me! I am very excited to be doing this! Check out www.broodyrooster.com!! That is where the workshops will beheld!! One on mid February and another possibly in March so far!! Details are available on the website! I am just hoping I can teach myself to teach others!! It's going to be interesting and a very fun challenge for myself as an artist! It is like a dream come true to beable to do something with my artistic talents and to be able to share the experience with others!!