Well - it has been a solid few years since I last posted.
So much has changed - so many adventures have happened. I have returned to Wyoming and the Pryors a few times, I went to Nashville to see the Opry, the sights and Jake Owen last April. Last summer, I made it to Vegas to see Mr. George Strait belt out all 60 of his number ones. I took a last minute trip to the Pryors to clear my head last August.
BUT - my favorite thing that I had happen was meeting Jake.
Jake - it was love at first sight. We connected instantly. Oh - by the way, Jake is a horse.
Jake came to me from the person who had been boarding Scooter at the time. A family friend of hers had been leasing land to someone for numerous horses and that person just stopped paying and left the horses. Eventually, he went through the process of making the horses his legally and my friend went in to see if any of them could be useful.
She brought back 6 horses and a mule. These animals had not been handled in over 4 years.
The first encounter I had with them - I just walked into the group of them. Eventually - this big blue roan came right up to me and just buried his face against my body and wanted love. At that second - he had me. I told my friend that if she could get on him without his freaking out, I would buy him if she wanted to sell him.
I have now owned him for 6 months.
It has been interesting. It has been challenging. It has been rewarding.The more I get to know him, the more I am figuring him out. I know nothing about his past life. He can stand tied for hours. You can get a saddle on his back no problem. He seems a bit clueless with a bit in his mouth, He trailers like a pro. I suspect he may have been a pack horse.He has a large, deep scar on his rump. he can also be a bit nervous about things behind him. Something spooked him once and he remembers.
When I first got him - he was easy to catch, handle and get a halter on. One day in the big pasture - his rival charged us as I was haltering him. After that, he started to swing his rear end at me in protest. I have been working on that and it has dissipated. When I moved him to the new ranch - he was great to catch in the quarantine pen. We worked on his stubbornness on the lead rope. After he was put into the general population, catching him and haltering became a nightmare.
I am guessing him to be somewhere between 10 & 15.
When I bought him, I had his feet done right away.. They had not been done in years. He was nervous but he did well. I had one of the best guys I know trim him.
After I moved him, I decided to use the farrier that the ranch uses. I admit - I was quite nervous about how he would react, especially considering his sudden change in behavior. I tell you - I could not have been more proud of him. And
fella who trimmed him taught me a lot and could not have done a better job. He said that he could tell Jake had a good mind and that he should be easy to work with. I was happy to hear that from someone who has decades of experience working with horses. My optimism is through the roof. I wish I was able to go more - but I am having to board them fairly far away due to my old guys special needs for winter feeding.
Another reason I felt good about buying Jake - he and Scooter hit it off immediately. After that mare I had - who I clearly sold - I think he was happy to have a brother who likes him. There was one of Jake's buddies that didn't seem to like Scooter. The day I introduced Jake and Scooter over the fence - that horse was getting a bit snorty and huffy at Scooter. Jake just bit him on the chest and chased him back from the fence. Then he and Scooter touched noses through the bars on the gate and squished their nostrils together.

I can walk them together like dogs - and I am hoping to be able to pony Jake off Scooter - that should tell me if he was a pack or trail horse.
I spontaneously decided to put a saddle on Jake - and a put a bit in his mouth and I took him to the round pen. It was windy and we didn't do much but regardless - and work with him is progress.
I have no idea what I am really doing - but I am learning as I go. And the first ride I take on him will be the most rewarding part of this whole experience.

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